Friday, April 3, 2009

day 7 epic

we woke up a little later today because the french students were coming with us to see obama. after numerous failed attemtps at tieing my tie, i finally managed to get dressed up for the event. we met at a cinema at nine, to get on a bus, that took us to an ice skating rink, where we waited even longer to walk over to the basketball court, where we passed through security, to sit down and wait two mores hours to see obama. when he came out it was 2 in the afternoon. regardless everyone was overjoyed to watch him give his speech. it felt great to be that close to the president.
after we left i began to notice many of those NATO protesters in the streets. as i got closer we saw several riot control units standing guard. as we neared the house we were forced to get out of the car and walk because the police had blocked off our street. we had to show one of the gaurds holding of the protestors our passports for us to get through. but that wasn't even the worst part. as i walked quickly behind phillipe andhis dad we could see a bigger commotion going on ahead. the people protesting were trying to get out into the city. i heard loud explosions, and tear gas stung my eyes as we walked down a side pathe to phillipes house. it was quite frightening, and tommorow we will have to stay home, due to the roads being blocked off.


  1. Hey Cole,

    We all are missing you so much! Sounds like you are having a blasty blast. Very cool to see Obama. Hope your eyes are better after the tear gas. Looks like it is pretty cold there - aren't you glad you have that second jacket I told you to bring? Have fun! I love you! Mom

  2. Cole, Sorry to hear about the tear gas in your eyes! Nevertheless, what a cool experience. Wish I was there! Looking forward to your next blog.

    Pastor Keith
